#espresso with Nerijus Andrijauskas: I strive for the maximum results and I expect the same from others

24 сентябрь 2020

“The earlier you start the day, the more you’ll be able to get done,” says Nerijus Andrijauskas, Commercial Director at PayRay. This specialist, with over 15 years of experience in the financial industry, starts his working day very early indeed – at 7:00 am. According to Nerijus, peacefully planning the tasks ahead allows you to move towards your goals with the maximum intensity, as well as enjoying a cup of espresso during your breaks. We invite you to enjoy anespressowith Nerijus Andrijauskas!

What are your main responsibilities at PayRay?

My main area of responsibility is sales. When I joined the PayRay team in July 2018, my primary task was to create a team responsible for sales as quickly as possible, and to grow the company’s customer basis and sales. I believe that we succeeded in overcoming this challenge – the team created at that time trusted the company and has enhanced its ability to pursue ambitious goals and establish itself in the Lithuanian financial sector.

How does your work day start?

I am convinced that you can do a lot more if you start the day early, so I start my work at 7:00 am. I prepare for the day in a peaceful way: I plan the tasks ahead and prioritise them, and then I work hard to achieve the goals I have set for myself.

Why do you love your job?

I feel that I am exactly where I should be – working with customers. Together with my team, we are in constant contact with the representatives of other companies, looking into the specifics of their business, and we are seeking and offering financing solutions that meet their needs and expectations. I have noticed that our customers appreciate our efforts, which is the biggest incentive to keep moving forward.

What do you think is PayRay’s biggest achievement to date?

I think I should highlight at least a couple of achievements. First, in a relatively short time, – actually, in less than a year – we put together a great team of professionals. Secondly, as the Commercial Director, I am delighted with the results we have achieved: since the beginning of our activities, we have funded accounts worth over EUR 125 million, we have raised our factoring portfolio to EUR 25 million, and at least 140 companies have benefited from our services. So looking at how much we have done since the early days of the company really makes me feel great. 

What advice do you usually share with your colleagues?

PayRay started its operations in Lithuania with factoring services, which are often understood as a short-term financing instrument. Nevertheless, I always strive to be a trusted financial advisor and share valuable insights that will build long-term, sustainable relationships with my customers. I advise my team to do the same, and we have noticed that this is an important provision for our customers.

How do you spend your free time?

I spend most of my free time with my family. I have three children and I like to pay as much attention to them as possible. When I manage to find some extra time, my wife and I attend opera and classical music concerts. I am particularly fond of the concerts organised by the National Philharmonic.

What is an interesting fact about yourself that is still unknown to your colleagues?

Years ago, I sang backing vocals with a now-defunct pop group in a national Eurovision competition. We won a respectable fifth place that year. It was fun.

What book/film/activity/travel direction would you recommend?

I really like the James Bond film series. I also enjoy re-watching the oldest versions of the films with the legendary Sean Connery, Roger Moore, Pierce Brosnan and others. When it comes to the foreign countries that I have visited, I really liked Israel which is a very impressive and contrasting country. I have been there several times, and I would be happy to return.

What is your motto?

“Always aim for the maximum results!”

This is a motto that I follow and I always expect the same from others.

Espresso or cappuccino?

I have to admit: I wasn’t a big fan of espresso until I met Renato La Fianza, the Head of PayRay. However, I feel that my tastes have changed lately, and I am picking this type of coffee more and more often. By the way, I have noticed that Renato has infected my other colleagues with his taste for espresso as well.

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